
On a slightly less appealing note, someone tried to mug me on saturday night. I'M FINE. REALLY, I'M FINE. I was waiting for the nightbus at Tottenham Court Road, hands in my pockets, in the mass of people trying to storm onto the bus, when someone slipped their hand into my pocket, where my phone was. Obviously, this would be an almost foolproof way of stealing a phone (assuming most people waiting for the nightbus at 4am are drunk), however its not such a good idea when you slip your hand into a pocket which already has a hand in it. I grabbed the dude's fingers, attempted some kind of bending back of said fingers before they slipped out of my reach and away with the crowds. I didn't even see the dude (or girl, whichever it was). Could have been a nightmare. But it wasn't. I'm practically fighting crime all over the place at the moment.

Well done on:
1. Eating beans
2. Fighting crime
3. Defeating collossi.
Someone should turn this into a triathlon event.
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