
Very excitingly, last night Sam and I literally *BUMPED* into Har Mar Superstar (who just happens to be my idol). After waiting for a nightbus for 20 minutes, then realising that it was only 11:30 and night buses hadn't started running yet, we ran for the tube and there, at Tottenham Court Road, next to a busker, Har Mar and his very good looking mate were walking in the opposite direction.
I was cool. All I said was "hello har mar" and walked on by. Then turned round to find Sam throwing herself all over him, jokingly punching his arm, and asking where he was going. It was beautiful. Sam even mentioned the fact that we have both snogged him, which he clearly didn't remember at all.
If you don't know this dude, he's a legend. Check him out here.
You are too cool for school.
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