Top tips for getting travel insurance:
- From experience, cheap policies are rubbish. That doesn't mean expensive ones are any better, but its important to check before you go how much excess you will be charged and how much your valuables are worth, to be sure you're getting back enough to cover your costs.
- If you have home insurance, this might cover some of the costs (we don't home insurance)
- Some credit-cards offer insurance on purchases (i.e. flight tickets)
- If you are with BUPA or some other health care insurer, you'll need to find out how well they will cover you abroad (nor do we have this)
- Life assurance cover doesn't always apply for bungee-jumping accidents etc. (we don't have this either)
- Try and get 24-hour emergency assitance (with a reverse-charge phone number and an english-speaking operator)
- Find out what sports and activities you will not be covered for, so you know you are doing them at the your own risk
- Don't worry too much about insurance for your possessions unless you are carrying something valuable (cameras/mp3 players...)
- Find out if the insurance provider will pay your expenses directly or reimburse you on proof of reciepts
Here's a list of websites which have good backpacking insurance policies, or information:
- (£393)
- (very good for UK travellers) (£296 with £1000 valuables, £207 with no valuables)
- (good for a yearly rate) (£288)
STATravel seem to have the best option, allowing you to reduce your cover and so reduce the premium. I'll ask about the insurance instore on satuday, and keep you posted with any news we get.
hmmm .... interesting :)
tell me about it...
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