The wee bairns...
How much do I love Scotland??? *THIS* much. It was awesome. I love my grandad (he didn't recognise me at the party). The DJ actually sang the songs at the party, karaoke style. I have a HUGE family that I never really knew were there. I loved Glasgow (especially the Museum of Religious Art, and the Canadien boy inside). We met this total weirdo who believed he was "energy, just pure energy" and "a colour". I asked which one, and he said "black", which isn't even a colour. Arran was wet (if you go, hire a car on the island, the buses only run ever 3 hours) and empty. Oh, and the flight in was possibly the most terrifying/exhilarating 10 minutes of my life. I actually thought we were going to drop out of the sky at one point. I loved it.
For pictures of the relatives click here, but for now, just me and the castle...
For pictures of the relatives click here, but for now, just me and the castle...

Interesting site. Keep up the good work!
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