the tickets have been booked

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We've finally booked our tickets. We went in on saturday and confirmed the final details. Here's a basic rundown of what we are doing and the dates we are travelling on. The dates in brakets are not confirmed yet (you can only confirm dates up to 10 months in advance, so the rest we will be confirming when we arrive in Australia).
leaving London and arriving in Quito, Ecuador - Tuesday 16 May
leaving Quito, arriving in Lima, Peru - Tuesday 12 June
travelling overland to La Paz, Bolivia
leaving La Paz, arriving in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Tuesday 25 July
travelling overland to Sao Paulo, Brazil
leaving Sao Paulo, arriving in Buenos Aires, Argentina - Tuesday 15 August
leaving Buenos Aires, arriving in Auckland, New Zealand - Friday 8 September
travelling overland to Christchuch, New Zealand
leaving Christchurch, arriving in Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday 17 October
travelling overland to Cairns, Australia
leaving Cairns, arriving Perth, Australia - (Tuesday 9 January)
leaving Perth, arriving in Beijing, China - (Tuesday 16 January)
leaving Beijing, arriving in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - (Tuesday 13 Feb)
travelling overland to Bangkok, Thailand
leaving Bangkok, arriving in Bombay, India - (Tuesday 27 March)
travelling overland to Calcutta, India
leaving Calcutta, arriving London, England - Tuesday 15 May
I can't believe you're really going, and to so many cool places!
its so strange . . . but I feel I know your route by heart !!! Just wish I could 'live the dream' with you !!!!
Hi Darling, it is you mother here. I love the website and I know I will be dropping in from time to time while you are away. (Promise not everyday). Just know I will be with you at every stop around this big world. I know the world is not so big to you but to me it is huge and you will seem so far away.
Just remember that the tie that binds us together is very long and strong and will stretch forever, you hold one end and I will hold the other.
Call me about the eggs.......
Love you
Mooming Troll
I thought you were going in about June / July.
Are we still on for the drunken idea of Argentinian meet ups :)
Yeah! Come to Argentina! COME COME COME!
I miss you already darlin, but wish you the most exciting trip...Can't wait to see more photos! I love you. Love Tiny x
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