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Thursday, February 09, 2006

sunny side up

As you may well know, I have been working hard over the last year to cure my phobia of fruit and vegetables. This has been a huge challenge - but I can safely say that I will now eat any fruit (even ones I've never seen before) and most vegetables (at a push, not out of choice).

Anyway, over the last 6 months, I realised that egg white actually tastes pretty good. It all started at Mariola and Neil's house, when she served up some weird dish with eggs and tomato sauce, and I ate it to be polite, and it turned out to be pretty good. Then I gorged on them in a tapas bar in Zaragoza. Then I started eating them with my cooked breakfast. And now! Man, now things have really changed. I can't keep my hands off them. I had 5 at the weekend. I had one at 5am after a club. I even poached my first egg! I'm literally going egg-crazy.

Anyway, email me with any recipes for things I can do with eggs. I'm already bored of having them "on toast" or "on the side of my plate".


Blogger Senor Dunc said...

Weekend of 11/12 February: EggCount = 5

4:45 pm  

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