Day 115 - Auckland, New Zealand

Anyway, that said, we arrived in Auckland, a seemingly characterless city with seemingly nothing to do there, at 3am and grabbed a very 'safe' bus to the city centre where we checked into a very expensive hostel. Made some friends in the airport, which is always fun, and hung out with them until our rooms were free. Sam and I went exploring, and found the city to be pretty strange.

The city's flanked with one massive tower, the SkyTower, which is kinda unimpressive except that its the tallest structure in the southern hemisphere. The people on the streets are quiet. The shops are quiet. The cars are quiet. Its like a ghost town. And people wait on the sides of roads until the green man tells them to cross. Not before. Its all a bit eerie. And there's loads of Japanese people everywhere, and Japanese shops. Its nuts. Its clean, quiet, and dull. So to beat the blues, Sam and I spent the day looking for a car to buy. And after 2 BORING days in the city, we bought this beaut...

She's hot, and fast, and leaks just a little in the rain. But we forked out 400 quid each so we could drive round New Zealand, and we haven't looked back since. I was still a bit drunk from the night before (which was horrendously messy), so Sam jumped in, we picked up Eve (one of the newbies from the airport) and headed 3 hours north to Whangerei.
Labels: backpacking, new zealand, north island
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