Day 87 - Ilhabella

For starters, the ferry drops you an hour from the town centre, which isn't even really a town centre, more just 4 restaurants next to a plaza. The weather was grim, the place was dirty, building sites were everywhere, and we had to spend about 2 hours walking around just to find a hotel to stay in. I have no idea WHO thought it was a good idea to go here, but the place was RUBBISH. We checked in, went for dinner, and went to bed.

And to make it worse, when you want to go to a beach, you have to walk for SIX HOURS to get to one. This place is properly rubbish. After an hour on the bus, we started walking the 2 hours of rough terrain towards a waterfall, which despite sam's constant discontent, she handled quite well. It was perhaps the ONLY saving grace of the island.

The water was STONE COLD. Properly cold. But clean, and fresh. I nearly slipped and cracked my head open, but instead just cut my arm open. But putting the pain aside, dave and I skimmed our way down the natural slides and shivvered our way back to the top of the falls.

In fact, the strenuous walk was kinda fun. Mostly because there were hints of Sam and Dave falling in love, which was nice. He laughs at everything she says. She laughs at him constantly. They were like kids. I have no idea if he's like that with everyone, but our little sam certainly isn't. And she looked properly happy the whole time. Its a shame, because I reckon they'd make a good match. Although he is a bit of a knob most of the time.

And after having a back-row of mormons try to convert me on the bus (we believe in the same thing, you idiots), we got packed up and ready for Sao Paulo. Scary stuff.

Labels: backpacking, brazil
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