Day 82 - Laguna Azul & Dois Rios

The next day, Sam stayed in bed all day (she spent the next 48 hours on the toilet), while Mark and I took some advice from the horrendous Lonely Planet. Described as an amazing hike, past waterfalls, river pools and jungle paths, we were supposed to reach an oppresive and abandoned prison in the jungle. In fact, the walk was easy, took half as long as they said, didn't have any waterfalls worth mentioning, and was barely passable as a jungle route.

But to top it all off, the prison was NOT in the jungle, was only abandoned about 10 years ago, and barely seems oppressive, except that it looks a lot like a german concentration camp. That said, rooting around the overgrown ruins and peering into locked cells made for quite an interesting day. Which we finished off on the beach. again.

After a night in watching fight club, Mark and I headed off again to hike 4 hours to the first beach we went to, Mendes Lopes, where we managed to see some monkeys and squirrels. A hour on the sands and we hopped on a boat back, where we started the 4 hour journey to Paraty.

Labels: backpacking, brazil
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