Day 230 - Happy New Year!

[what a muppet]
I walked from Bondi to Coogee beach, passing some amazing beaches with NO BATTERY in my camera (this is all I got)...

And I slept and ate food and did almost nothing else all week in the run up to new years. Although there was one salient feature of my week which stands out above all else. And that is the return of THE JENNA!

She's back. This time towing a 19-year-old canadian who gets WAY more attention than me. Anyway, I talk jenna into coming to Bandits with me (my favourite sydney night ever) and we end up getting SO TRASHED that she's standing on tables, I'm crawling around the place like a monster and we end up in the supermarket at 6am buying breakfast for sam. It was possibly one of the best night's I've had in sydney. I love that girl Jenna.

Anyway, onto the important stuff. So its New Years here. And I have to work. But not til 11pm. So Sam, Eve, Jenna, James and I camp out on my balcony and watch the city drive by as we down glasses of champs. I'm slowing down cos I have to work, but the girls are all fired up. Sam and Eve head off at 8ish to go and see Basement Jaxx play at Bondi Beach (I'm SO jealous), and Jenna promptly falls asleep, leaving me and james to finish the champs. And 2 hours later, my phone starts buzzing and its my boss calling to say I'm an hour late for work!

Anyway, the new years for me involved people barking "WATER!" at me as if english isn't my first language; getting way too wasted courtesy of the beautiful georgie and ending up pressing all the wrong buttons on the till and pouring drinks all over the place. It was funny though. And amazingly Sam and Eve turned up in the bar at 6am (the bouncers had let them in for free because they showed him photos of me on their cameras) and we had a quick dance before I poured my last drink and sat the rest of the night out with Georgie and Matt.

Right, words cannot explain how much I love these guys. I just do. And tonight was especially poignant. It was my last night at the bar, because on Tuesday I'm heading to melbourne for a few days and then onto Perth, followed by China. No more Matt and Georgie. No more Eddy my manager. No more Chats and no more louise. I'm gutted. I LOVE working here. I love the people. and I love being behind a bar again. and it feels like such a crime to be leaving. But it has to be done. I have COUNTRIES to visit. so I'm off. In two days I'm leaving for Melbourne and no-one can stop me. Especially not these two...

anyway, after a sad farewell, I headed out for a quick 10am coffee with Jenna and James, then headed home for bed at 11am on New Years Day. I'm so damn hardcore, I love it.
Labels: australia, backpacking, jenna, nye, sydney
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