Day 177 - Byron Bay

Byron Bay, the most easterly point on the australia mainland, is pretty spectacular. THIS is what a headland should look like, not like Cape Tribulation, which was rubbish. Its big, and menacing, and imposing and has a lighthouse because its rocks kill people. Its great. And the beach goes on FOREVER. Urgh, its possibly the most beautiful beach scene I've seen yet. And trust me when I say I've seen loads.

BUT, there's a downside. You see, we've moved states now. Before, in Queensland, we were one hour behind the rest of australia (they don't have daylight saving there). But here, they do. So we thought the only difference would be the amount of daylight we get. Wrong. It seems in this state, you're not allowed to park on the side of a road and sleep in your van. if you do, the park ranger will come along and move you, or fine you. Great. Sop instead of using the van as we had hoped, to save on accomodation costs, we now have to drive 5 miles out of town and park at a campsite, for almost the same price as a hostel, but with more spiders and less cool people. Great.
But, that downer aside, I spent a couple of hours on the internet (I'm weeks behind on the blog), we got a good nights sleep and in the morning headed out to the headland for a wander. And its BEAUTIFUL.

The lighthouse is impressive, the beaches are massive, the waves are scary, the sheer number of surfers is shocking. and the beauty is breathtaking. I don't think sam was that bothered by it, but I ditched her to walk down to the sea level and just sat watching the waves crash by my feet, occassionally spraying me in a salty mist, for ages. You can see why its such a special place.

On the way up, I saw ANOTHER massive lizard. Its getting stupid now. this place is packed with them. its like Jurassic Park.

and with that, we walked along the beach for a couple of hours, soaking up the almost-overcast gloom of the bay and headed off towards Coff's Harbour - a place we knew NOTHING about, but were told it was cool.

Labels: "east coast", australia, backpacking, byron bay, pre sydney
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