Day 75 - Rio Gay Pride

After attempting to round up most of the hostal, but failing, Sam and I headed down to the beach where about 10 floats, decked in rainbow flags, rainbow balloons and rainbow gays, pumped out the loudest house music they could muster. It started pretty quiet on the people front, but by the time we had sunk a couple of beers, wandered around a bit and sam had been to the toilet 3 times, it was heaving.

2 more toilet stops later, we stood and listened to some speeches (in portuguese luckily) then ran off to the toilet blocks again so sam could empty her bladder. again. And on our return, the floats had started moving.

Trannies everywhere, gays everywhere, people EVERYWHERE. I bought myself a rainbow bracelet to show my support, and we followed the vans, sinking caipirinas along the way until the rain came. In buckets. It was a killer, cos the place had a real electric atmosphere. But when you are soaked to the skin, the only place to go is home, so we headed off, had a kip, then planned our route to Le Boy nightclub.

Now, the night was a bit messy. 2 hours in and Sam was too drunk to enjoy herself, so I popped her in a cab and sent her home. and as I returned from the cab, Kelly was suddenly too wasted to move, so I sat with her for 30 minutes before popping her in a cab and sending her home. So on my own with no friends in Rio, I spent a couple of hours dancing and chatting to locals before heading home myself. Not the standard fare for Gay Pride After-Parties, but good fun all the same. Home to bed at 6am, dreaming of a sunny Rio and a day on the beach....if the clouds would ever clear.

Labels: backpacking, brazil